With the ever-increasing application-scope and capabilities of AI-driven systems come increased risks of unforeseen or malignant behavior, posing substantial risks to business reputations and to the public at large.
How can one construct AI systems that are more responsible and trustworthy by design, assess their risks and regulate their behavior without seriously limiting their development and deployment?
It is possible to develop a certification process for the trustworthiness of an AI system like the LEED certification program for green buildings that is now widely used?
I will point out key issues to consider and some recent developments towards this ambitious goal, including the pioneering work of The Responsible AI Institute.
I’ll also sketch out notable recent developments in the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape around AI.
Joydeep Ghosh, Responsible AI Institute
Joydeep Ghosh is currently the Schlumberger Centennial Chair Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas, Austin. Dr. Ghosh (Fellow, IEEE 2004) joined the UT-Austin faculty in 1988 after being educated at IIT Kanpur (B. Tech ’83) and The University of Southern California (Ph.D ’88).