Today, we are evolving 5G into 5G Advanced to realize new user experiences and expand mobile into new applications. At the same time, the vision for 6G is emerging. The next-generation cellular platform is targeted to bring a significant technology leap for 2030 and beyond. 6G will be more than a new radio design, it is envisioned to be an innovation platform of synergistic technologies, including communication, AI, RF sensing, security, green networks/devices, and more. To prepare for this future, we are driving wireless innovations forward in key research areas for 5G Advanced and 6G, to improve efficiency in all bands, unlock new spectrum, and support the needs of future devices and services.
Ozge Koymen, Qualcomm
Ozge Koymen is a Senior Director of Technology at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. where he has been since 2006. He has led the 5G/6G millimeter-wave program within Qualcomm R&D since early 2015, from early conceptual evaluation to commercial deployment.